Rise India Rise Awesome Christian Song

"Rise India Rise" - a song of hope for our birth country India which celebrated its 65th Republic Day yesterday! "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 God bless!

Credits: With diverse music genres from Indian Fusion to Rock, Pop & Hip Hop ,this unique album features original songs from Powerhouse Church, a contemporary Church in Chennai, India(www.powerhousechurch.org)

Artistes/Musicians featured include Keith Peters,Timothy Madhukar,Jim Satya,Christy Samuel,Steeve Vatz,Billy Yesudian, Aubrey Sequiera,Vasanth David,Samcy Philip,Maxyn Kingston,WOW(Women of Worth) and others. The music has been produced by Timothy Madhukar and the album mixed and mastered by Philip Janz (Canada).

Live Instruments include: Guitars,Keyboards,Violin,Cello,Flute,Oud
Tar Shenai,Tabla,Dholak,Shakers,Tambourine,G­ungroo etc.

The album also includes a special song contribution: 'Almighty God' by Dave Bilbrough (one of Britain's foremost worship leaders/songwriters and composer of the world famous worship classic 'Abba Father').

Since its release in December 2007, the Rise India album has been rated as one of the best gospel music productions from India and has received excellent press reviews in India's top national newspapers - The Hindu & The Indian Express.
Visit the album website: www.riseindia.in for more info and updates.

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